
Telegram x app store
Telegram x app store

telegram x app store

It’s not clear why Apple decided to temporarily remove Telegram from its App Store. Scammers have artificially inflated the prices on the app, which is popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Meanwhile, Telegram also seems to have a cryptocurrency issues. In response, Telegram removed one opposition channel that called for violence. Last month, Iran also threatened to shut down the app in an effort to reduce anti-government protests. Government officials said the app was being used to spread hate and details on how to carry out attacks, including information how to make bombs. Last year, the Indonesian government shutdown 11 web versions of the app.

telegram x app store

Some governments have went as far as to threaten to ban the app. Governments have accused the app of being a hub for radical extremists to push their propaganda and to communicate amongst each other using the app’s end-to-end encryption feature. Telegram has been scrutinized in the past over its content. Once we have protections in place we expect the apps to be back on the App Store.- Pavel Durov February 1, 2018 We’ve written to ask, and will update this post if there’s a response.We were alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our users and both apps were taken off the App Store. Perhaps the iPhone versions of its apps are undergoing some major changes?Īccording to a Redditor in this thread discussing the disappearance of the apps, Telegram’s support team noted that this wasn’t intentional, so it might be an issue that the company will have to resolve with Apple. It’s essentially a complete rebuild of the app with an entirely new code base, revamped interface elements, and improved performance.

telegram x app store

The only clue that we’ve spotted so far is Telegram’s blog post from yesterday announcing the launch of Telegram X for Android. It’s possible that Telegram’s apps were removed by Apple for violating its policies, or that the company itself pulled them off the App Store for some reason. Messaging service Telegram has had the iOS versions of its primary app, as well as its parallel app, Telegram X, wiped from the App Store as of yesterday – and it isn’t yet clear why. “Once we have protections in place we expect the apps to be back on the App Store.” “We were alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our users and both apps were taken off the App Store,” Durov said on Twitter. Update I: Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has taken to Twitter to clarify why Telegram and its X sibling have been taken off the App Store. Update II (7:18AM CET, February 2, 2018): Both Telegram and Telegram X are now back on the App Store.

Telegram x app store